The Apollo Programme was an American spaceflight programme which ran from 1961 to 1972. The aim of the programme was ‘landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth’. This was proposed by President John F Kennedy on May 25th 1961.
Apollo 11 was the first to achieve the goal, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed successfully on the Moon in July 1969. Five further Apollo Missions (Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17) succeeded in landing humans on the Moon and bringing them safely back to Earth.
Apollo 17 was the sixth and last of the United States landing of humans on the moon. The three member crew of Apollo 17 consisted of Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans and Harrison Schmitt. Cernan and Schmitt spent over three days carrying out experiments and collecting samples on the Moon. When the mission was complete Cernan was the last human to date to leave the lunar surface.
Apollo 17, the final mission to the moon, was launched at Cape Canaveral in the year 1972 On This Day.
Apollo 17, Earthrise over Moon by NASA Goddard Photo and Video on 2005-08-18 08:21:34
Visit to watch the mission live exactly 45 years later, to-the-second
Ty Ben. Amazing. I hope lots of people get to view.